Thursday, September 26, 2024

September 25, 2024 Madrid to Albuquerque

September 25, 2024 Madrid to Albuquerque 

We awakened at 7:00 and dressed and took our luggage down to the street a bit before 8:00 when the taxi picked us up and drove us to Madrid Airport. We had about an hour before our flight so we went to the American/Iberia lounge.  The best item was a mango and orange juice smoothie. I drank two of those and ate a plate of scrambled eggs with a donut that was like a fried pain au chocolate and a slice of bacon.

At 10:30 we boarded the AA 757 and snuggled into our cubicles that were on each side of a low partition. I was not hungry and the three course meal  was not great, a salad with two hard artichoke hearts that were supposed to be grilled but were not and chicken tiki Marsala that was cold. Then an entree, which I passed on, but Suzette chose ravioli with marinara sauce that was not nearly as good as dinner last night. I ate a Charlotte cake filled with defrosted berries and a dab of whipped cream for dessert. Suzette passed on dessert.  What was wonderful was the availability of good Nicolas Feuilatte French  champagne, only diminished mildly by the fact that it was served in about 10 oz. portions in a water glass.

I ate the rest of my Tortilla Francia (egg sandwich) later in the flight and then when a cheese sandwich was served with a fruit salad and a chocolate gelatin mousse in a plastic cup, I ate the fruit and mousse and a few bites of the cheese sandwich that was two slices of white bread with what appeared to be a mushroom duxelles topped with a flood of cheddar cheese.

We arrived at 1:30 EST and taxied to La Guardia for our Southwest flight to Dallas at 4:25. I bought a tuna salad on whole wheat sandwich plus a bag of chips and a Schweppes Ginger Ale (Suzette’s favorite soda) for $10.00 that we ate before the flight. 

Then in Dallas I bought a yogurt parfait with fresh blueberries and strawberries plus a small cup of yogurt at a Madeline Bakery shop in Love Field before our 9:30 final flight of the day to Albuquerque.

We arrived in Albuquerque and taxied home a few minutes before 10:00 after 24 hours of travel.

But we got to sleep in our bed this night.

I ate two stale rye Swedish hard bread crackers when we got home because there was no food in the house.

Bon Appetit

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