Monday, September 16, 2024

September 13, 2024 Lunch - O Pierao in Combarro, Dinner - Tomato, lettuce, and onion salad and Langoustines cooked in rice and fresh steamed mussels and clams.

September 13, 2024 Lunch - O Pierao in Combarro,  Dinner - Tomato, lettuce, and onion salad and Langoustines cooked in rice and fresh steamed mussels and clams. 

We got a late start around 11:00 when Suzette, Billy, and I drove west along the coast to Pontenova’s central market. In the meat section we bought two fresh fish (monkfish and bonito), 3 kilos of mussels, nine langustino, and 1 kilo of clams. Then we walked into the produce section and bought lettuce, an orange, a tomato, garlic, onions, carrots, a red bell pepper, and a lemon. We then crossed the street to a butcher shop where we bought three chorizo sausages and a packet of saffron.

We then walked across the plaza in the other direction to the large Froiz super market where we bought, chocolate, olives, tomato sauce, canned bonito, Butter, bread, milk, fish bouillon cubes, rice, and kleenex.

We then returned to the house and put everything away.

Then Luke walked to Combarro and we drove and he met us at the plaza around 1:30 and we walked to O Pierao restaurant. Suzette wanted to eat at O Pierao because it has an open wood fired grill near the water.

There were three items cooked on the grill: pork ribs, sardines, and an octopus tentacle. Suzette ordered the octopus and she and I agreed to order fried squid to share. Willy ordered salmon cooked a la plancha in the kitchen, Luke ordered chicken, which meant breasts pounded flat, and Billy ordered pork loin sliced into rounds and sautéed.

Suzette and I ordered beers. Billy ordered a bottle of water and Luke and Willy ordered Pellingrino.  We all enjoyed our food and were too full for dessert or we subliminally intended to go directly to our favorite bakery, which we did after lunch.

I bought to chocolate turnovers whose edges were dipped in chocolate, a big square of meringue, and a baguette of artisanal bread.

Willy and Luke followed us to the bakery and bought a slice of almond flavored pound cake.  

Willy drove us all home around 5:00 and we rested until 6:30 and Suzette and I walked up the hill to a lateral with a lot with a beautiful view of the bay.

When we returned Luke and Willy left for an evening in Portovedra and I worked on a filing in the Lower Rio Grande Adjudication with Suzette’s excellent assistance, while Billy started cooking his rice and Langustinos dish for dinner.

While I was working on the draft documents for filing Suzette made a lovely tomato and lettuce salad and when I finally submitted the document at 9:15 1:15 p.m. in Las Cruces, dinner was ready.  We opened a bottle of 2023 of Pazo Sarantellos albarino that we bought at the TopCash store and appears to have been produced by a large wine processing company with the grapes from the estate. That is why it was less expensive.

The salad had two types of lettuce and two types of tomato and was dressed with olive oil and salt, using the acidity of the tomato juice to create a dressing. I loved it.

After the salad and a glass of wine Billy served his rice, which was rather wet, and Langustinos.

Both dishes were delicious.

After dinner I ate a few squares of the Milka milk chocolate with hazelnuts and a glass of herbal liquor mixed with Torres 10 brandy as we listened to the BBC news on Ukraine. Apparently, the Brits and US are discussing allowing Ukraine to use medium range storm shadow middles to destroy the Russian bases from which Russia is launching its and Iran’s aerial missiles and glide bombs.

I went to bed at midnight.

Bon Appetit 

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