Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 11, 2024 Lunch - La Pirata at San Vicente. Dinner - Linguine Pasta with a white wine, garlic, onion, mushroom, pimiento, leek, clam, and mussel sauce

September 11, 2024 Lunch - La Pirata at San Vicente. Dinner - Linguine Pasta with a white wine, garlic, onion, mushroom, pimiento, leek, clam, and mussel sauce

Today started early. I awakened at 2:40 and saw that the Harris-Trump debate would be broadcast in 20 minutes at 3:00 a.m. our time.

I awakened Suzette and she and I watched it. I was struck by Trump’s dark accusatory manner and how he would interrupt the moderator to get another rant in after Kamala spoke and how refused to answer the questions.  Kamala made her points clearly and at one point said “If you do not stop Putin in Ukraine, he will next take Poland and if you say anything, he will eat you for lunch.”

Apparently there are 800,000 Pennsylvanians of Polish descent.

After the debate we went back to bed at 5:30 and slept until 8:30.

This morning we fixed French Toast with slices of the dark raisin bread we bought in Combarro two days ago and steamed and shuck the little neck clams and mussels we bought yesterday at the market in Pontevedra.

We finally left the house at noon and drove west to the point where the north coast of the Pontevedra Bay meets the Atlantic Ocean at San Vicente. The hostess recommended the restaurant La Pirata that faces the bay. There were lovely houses along the shore. It was a little after 2:00 when we arrived, so we decided to eat lunch.

The menu was very eclectic and interesting.  We chose bunuelos, a soft creamy center of bacalao (rehydrated salt cod) wrapped in a flour dough and deep fried with a dab ob aioli on top. They were very tasty.

                                                  The bunuelos with aioli and honey

 We saw fried artichokes and ordered them but they were not remotely as good as the ones in Potes. These had two or three rows of clipped leaves that were tough, were not crisp because were not weighted when cooked, and did not have the micro diced fried bacon in the heart area.  Instead the artichokes were surrounded by a creamy chili and pimiento red sauce that I thought created a clash of hard and soft.  It is tough being the second best fried artichoke. Most of this one got left on the plate.

We also ordered Pad Thai with Langustinos that was rather spicy, a lentil hummus, scrambled eggs served on French fries and topped with small sausages on a bed of aioli and honey, and a bottle of Godello white wine.

Luke and Willy finished with coffees and Suzette and I drank their unfinished wine.

At 4:00 we finished lunch as the restaurant was closing.

Luke and Willy were wearing their swim suits and decided to go for a swim in the clear water in front of the restaurant.

Then we returned to the car and drove back to the house and rested until 8:30.

We watched a lovely pink sunset at 8:45 and then started dinner. I sliced three mushrooms, 1/2 leek, an onion, four cloves of garlic, about ten asparagus, slices and 1/2 of a pimiento while Suzette started a pot of linguine cooking.

She sautéed the onion family ingredients and then added the other ingredients plus butter and a Verdejo white wine from Rueda. When the vegetables and pasta were cooked we drained the pasta and added the clams and mussels to the other ingredients to cook them.  Then we served  bowls of pasta and each person spooned mussel and clam sauce onto their pasta. We toasted slices of bread to dip in the sauce and I poured glasses of Rueda.

We had a lovely dinner. Everyone agreed the mussels were delicious.

I loved dinner and was happy we had a family meal together that we cooked.

The market was up today, as if it was happy with the lowest inflation numbers in three years (2.4% year over year) and the prospect of a fed rate reduction. The economy could not be better and the market reacted properly, showing that Trump’s assertions to the contrary are lies.

After dinner we listened to David Sedaris’ new humor piece in the New Yorker and drank tea with cookies and chocolates.

It was after 10:30 when Luke and Suzette drifted off to bed.

Willy and I stayed up until 12:00.

Another interesting day with lots of new territory seen.

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