Sunday, March 3, 2024

March 2, 2024 Brunch - Steak, mushroom, onion, asparagus and Rouquefort cheese omelet snack - PPI Teriyaki Salmon and rice Dinner - PPI BBQ Pork ribs with Pinto Beans and Broccoli

March 2, 2024 Brunch - Steak, mushroom, onion, asparagus and Rouquefort cheese omelet snack - PPI Teriyaki Salmon and rice  Dinner - PPI BBQ Pork ribs with Pinto Beans and Broccoli

The best meal of the day was brunch because we used the excellent grilled NY strip steak and the luscious Rouquefort cheese to make a memorable omelet.

Suzette cooked to perfection, so that the egg and cheese combined into a creamy filling enveloping the other four ingredients in a soft mound sandwiched by a firm golden brown crust.

Around 1:00 we pulled the cover off the pond and Suzette raked the leaves that the fierce winds had recently blown into the pond off the surface. Amazingly we saw fish so they survived the Winter.

Also Suzette has been watering the raised beds and this week paper whites and daffodils started blooming.

Last Fall she decided that we could not effectively harvest those vegetables that grew in the middle of the more than 6 foot wide raised beds, so she planted bulbs to create a row of color down the middle of each bed.  We also planted garlic and that appears to be growing also.

Then at 2:00 I made a snack by filling a bowl with the rice with seaweed and the last few pieces of teriyaki salmon that we made last week and added mirin and soy to flavor the rice and heated it in the microwave for 2.3 minutes. It was delicious.

In the evening we started watching Who Will Feed Phil.  The second episode we watched was on Austin and mostly about BBQ, so we decided instantly to eat the rest of the BBQ Pork Ribs we cooked on Thursday.

I decided to heat some pinto beans, so I poured a can of pintos into a sauce pan and squirted some BBQ sauce and catsup on them and added enough water to cover the beans and started heating them.  After the episode we discussed having a green vegetable with dinner and Suzette cut flowerets of broccoli and added them to the beans to cook and steam them.

After a few minutes we cut off three ribs each from the rack and Suzette heated them in the freezer bag in the , leaving the last two ribs for a snack.

We decided to drink red wine with the rib dinner, so we opened a bottle of Flor di Vino Chianti Classico (Trader Joe’s $5.99).

We enjoyed dinner as we watched an episode of Phil on Chile.

There is always a segment in each episode with a phone call to a friend for a joke. In the Austin episode it was to Paul Ruebens (Pee Wee Herman).  The jokes usually involve Jewish . There were two jokes. One was “How do you keep a bagel from getting away? Answer - You add lax to it.”  The other one was a waiter come to the table of Jewish women eating lunch and asked them, “Was anything all right?”

Another joke in the Chile episode that I liked was, A son announces to his mother after school that he has been selected for a part in a school play. The mother asks the son was part and the son said, “The role is a Jewish husband.” The mother tells the son, “You go back to your teacher and tell her you want a speaking role.”

The food is always interesting and Phil is always, outgoing, friendly, and curious and will try anything.

The only problem is that he has access to some of the best restaurants in the world that belies the cost and difficulty a normal person would have to enjoy the same food, so it can be a little depressing.

After dinner Suzette made us bowls of vanilla ice cream drizzled with chocolate syrup.

Again we went to bed at 10:00.

I woke up a Sunday morning at 4:00 to blog this entry.

Bon Appetit

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