Wednesday, April 5, 2023

April 5, 2023 Lunch - Barelas Coffee Shop. Dinner - Roasted turkey, Sweet Potatoes, corn, dressing and brown gravy

April 5, 2023 Lunch - Barelas Coffee Shop. Dinner - Roasted turkey, Sweet Potatoes, corn, dressing and brown gravy

Yesterday, the only interesting meal was lunch; a sopapilla stuffed with carne adovado and eggs from El Modelo.

Today I made beef stick fried rice with mushroom, a diced fried egg pancake, turmeric rice, and onion for breakfast.  Suzette poured us each a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice from El Super for a fabulous breakfast around 9:30.

Suzette was preparing a turkey dinner, so after breakfast I diced two hamburger buns, six hot dog buns, and nine slices of 9 grain bread plus a medium onion and three stalks of celery for the dressing.  I asked for pecan and oyster dressing. Soon after I helped suzette bag the turkey, Henry arrived for our appointment which we started at 11:00.

At 1:30;Henry and I finished his project and he drove us to Barelas Coffee Shop at 4th and Bridge. We took a table in the back served by Donna, his wife’s cousin, who is a hoot and takes care of Henry.

Henry ordered a large bowl of menudo for me and he ordered Carne Adovado and eggs plus small bowls of beans and chicharrones.  Donna brought us three flour tortillas. I shared my menudo with Henry

We ate and ate.  Henry gave me several pieces of carne adovado to add flavor to the menudo, that contained only red chili and tripe, which improved the flavor dramatically and we nibbled chicharrones.

When we could eat no more there were enough chicharrones, potatoes, and a flour tortilla left to make huge burrito and some menudo that we took home.

It was after 3:00 when we arrived and I started looking at the news until 4:00 when Suzette asked me to remove the meat from the turkey.

I made three piles: white, dark, and dressing.

The dressing was fabulous and reminded me of the dressing my mother made for Thanksgiving in Texas.

We would go to the fish market for fresh oysters and add pecans to the dressing.

At 4:30 I meditated for 1/2 hour and then read The Drowning Pool until 7:00.  When I went to the kitchen, suzette was browning the halved sweet potatoes in butter and had heated the corn we froze last year with cream and sugar to make creamed corn and was steaming fresh asparagus.

Suzette went to the garage and fetched a bottle of Emma Reichard Dry Riesling from Germany.

Willy arrived at 7:10. 

I poured glasses of wine while Suzette plated dinner and we had a lovely turkey dinner.

Willy told us he bought more stock on yesterday’s dip in the market.

We all agreed that the trend line for the market would probably move higher.

Willy left at 7:45. We watched Lawrence O’Donnell at 8:00 and went to bed at 9:00.

I enjoyed the quality and diversity of the food today, from Chinese, to New Mexican, to Classic American.

Bon Appetit 

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