Monday, February 1, 2016

February 1, 2016 Brunch – PPI Red Rice, Stir Fried Vegetables, and Salmon, Dinner – Red Beans and Rice with Kolbassa, onions, and chard

February 1, 2016  Brunch – PPI Red Rice, Stir Fried Vegetables, and Salmon,  Dinner – Red Beans and Rice with Kolbassa, onions, and chard

I ate the PPIs from last night for brunch today.

I went to the grocery store but found nothing I wanted to buy, because I remembered we had chard in the garden, cans of beans and rice, and Kolbassa sausage in the fridge and Suzette had said she wanted to make red beans and rice.

When Suzette arrived home we recovered the beds that had become partially uncovered due to high winds and then picked a basket full of chard.  

When we went back into the house I finely diced 1 medium onion, four or five cloves of garlic, two rings of Kolbassa sausage, and fetched two cans of prepared red beans and rice.  Suzette Sautéed the onion and garlic and then added the Kolbassa to a large Le Crueset casserole.  She then added the red beans and rice after the sausage had seared a bit and the onion had softened.  After another twenty minutes of simmering the red bean and rice mixture, Suzette added the chard and cooked the casserole another couple of minutes and dinner was ready.

We watched the Antiques Roadshow and then the results from the Iowa Caucuses.

Suzette drank water and I drank a Coors beer.

No dessert for either of us tonight.

Bon Appetit

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