Sunday, March 11, 2018

March 10, 2018 Brunch – bread smeared with fresh cheese flavored with fresh dill garnished with Lax. Dinner – Salad Nicoise

March 10, 2018 Brunch – bread smeared with fresh cheese flavored with fresh dill garnished with Lax. Dinner – Salad Nicoise

I made finger sandwiches for the meeting I had this morning. I toasted slices of whole wheat bread.  Suzette fetched fresh dill from the garden and chopped it and mixed it into the soft fresh cheese she Made last night.  I spread the dill flavored cheese onto the toasted bread that I had cut into thirds to make finger sandwiches. I then sliced Lax and garnished each sandwich with a piece of Lax.  Suzette made coffee and I drank chai.

The meeting lasted until almost 2:00.  When everyone left, we drove to Costco and ate Polish dogs for a late lunch and then shopped.  We bought cream, half and half, olive oil, spinach, a whole pork sirloin, an Ali tuna steak, Jarlsberg cheese, Dubliner cheese, butter and coffee.

When we bought the tuna, Suzette suggested we had all the ingredients for Salad Nicoise for dinner.

On the way I stopped at Lowe’s and bought Zucchini squash and bananas.

 We returned home a bit before 5:00.  I was hungry so I made a peanut butter and honey sandwich and a cup of tea.

Then a Suzette said, “Let’s make dinner.” She took the PPI salad from last out of the fridge and divided it into two soup bowls and cut up another avocado.  Suzette then snapped the rest of the green beans and steamed them.  She then chopped up two of the small PPI baked potatoes and sautéed them and had boiled five eggs.  When they were firm, she cooled them and peeled, and sliced one each and placed it on the salad. Then we cut the tuna steak into four pieces and salted and peppered sautéed two of them in peanut oil.  We will eat sushi Sunday.

I sliced two green onions and chose a bottle of 2016 A. Chotard Rose de Anjou from the central Loire Valley (Trader Joe’s $5.99) 60% Gamay and 40% Grolleau.  This another excellent rose from Trader Joe’s.  Well worth trying.

I put the bottle Into the freezer to chill.  I then ladled seven or eight pitted kalamata olives onto each salad.  Suzette added the potatoes, green beans, and sautéed tuna.  I added the juice of ½ lemon and some olive oil and some of the Salt crystals we got in Mexico left on the cutting board after Suzette salted the tuna with them to the salad dressing jar and shuck it to mix it.

I opened the rose and we were ready to eat.  This was a real Nicoise salad, excerpt for the substitution of kalamata for French Nicoise olives.  We loved it.  The tuna was seared beautifully and the warm potatoes enriched made the salad a great choice for a dinner.

Willy arrived and ate the unused fried potatoes and washed his laundry.  We watched I.Q. with a lovely young Meg Ryan and then went to bed.

Bon Appetit

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