Monday, December 11, 2017

December 11, 2017 Lunch – Polish Dog at Costco. Dinner – Bobby Flay Chicken with Roasted Vegetables

December 11, 2017 Lunch – Polish Dog at Costco.  Dinner – Bobby Flay Chicken with Roasted Vegetables

For breakfast: yogurt, milk, granola, and blueberries and grapes.

At 1:00 I drove to Costco to pick up my prescriptions and I stopped for a Polish Dog for lunch.  Today I slathered it with a bit too much onion and relish and mustard, and catsup, and I loved it with a glass of lemonade.

I wanted Bobby Flay Chicken with roasted vegetables for dinner, so we could use the lovely baby turnips we bought at the Farmers’ market in Las Vegas on Saturday.  I peeled and chopped two Yukon Gold potatoes, three carrots, and a large onion, plus about 1 lb. of Brussels sprouts, three heads of garlic, ½ of a Padilla chili, and three zucchini squash.  Suzette came home just as I was finishing the prep and took over.  She doused the vegetables liberally with olive oil and spread them with salt and pepper and we cooked them covered with aluminum foil for 30 minutes and then uncovered for thirty minutes at a temperature of 375 degrees.

After we put the vegetables into the oven, we started prepping the chicken.  I butchered the six chicken thighs by removing the excess skin, then we made a spice rub of ground cumin, fennel, smoked paprika, salt and pepper.  Suzette then sautéed the chicken in two batches in the large cast iron skillet weighed down with the large non-stick skillet half filled with water.   After the chicken had cooked for ten minutes on each side, she transferred the chicken to a cookie sheet with a raised edge and baked the chicken in the oven with the vegetables for 30 minutes.

Wily arrive at 7:300 just as all the chicken was fully baked, so we dished up dinner and I opened and poured a Spanish La Granja blend of white wine made with Viura and Verdejo grapes.

At the end of the meal Willy reminded us that it was the first night of Hanukkah, so I fetched a chocolate filled cherry for each of us and the cognac and shot glasses for Suzette and me an$ we drank cognac and ate our chocolate and toasted Hanukkah.

Bon Appetit

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