Thursday, August 10, 2023

August 10, 2023 Breakfast - Almond Croissant. Lunch - Leftover Beef Enchiladas and beans from Filberto’s Dinner - Hodgepodge of vegetables meats and carbs.

 August 10, 2023 Breakfast - Almond Croissant. Lunch - Leftover Beef Enchiladas and beans from Filberto’s Dinner - Hodgepodge of vegetables meats and carbs.

This was our last day before we leave for our trip.  I ended my work week yesterday with my court appearance in the probate matter.

Today I took care iPod small matters that needed cleaning up such as the alarm permit renewal, a plumbing bill, and talking to a few clients.

I ate the uneaten almond croissant I bought last Saturday at the farmers’ market for breakfast.  Then I picked about 15 lb. of gala apples from our tree and bagged them and Suzette took them to the Bistro in Los Lunas.

I then walked to the bank and made a deposit.

When I returned I went through old mail on my computer to make sure I had not missed anything and found the alarm permit renewal.

I ate the leftover beef enchilada and refried beans from Filberto’s for lunch at 1:00 with 4 small tortillas and fried an egg that I cut up and stuffed into the tortillas with some beans for four additional bean and egg tacos.

I drank the last half of an open Dos Equis beer with lunch.

I rested in the afternoon until Suzette came home at 5:30. Suzette cleaned out the fridge and filled two bags of food for Willy and we decided to stir fry a zucchini, about 4 oz. of sugar snap peas, 1/2 onion, ginger, and garlic.

Suzette also heated the PPI sautéed salmon and rice and added the leftover lamb shank to the Casarecce pasta and ground beef and heated them in the microwave while I stir fried the vegetables in the wok with a dash of sugar and salt, and Chinese cooking wine and a little lemon juice.

Willy came over to join us for dinner and wish us well on our trip.

Suzette and Willy drank Dos Equis beer and I drank Charles Shaw Pinot Noir.

After dinner Suzette made trail mix for the trip (the cherries and apples we dehydrated plus chocolate chips, roasted peanuts, fried bananas, and raisins).

I sliced and toasted four slices of bagel and smeared them with cream cheese and sliced and garnished the bagels with slices of Gravad lax.

We then did our final packing and set the alarm for 5:15 a.m. and went to bed at 10:00.

Bon Appetit 

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