Tuesday, June 16, 2015

June 14, 2015 sautéed blood sausage with Apple and onion slices and Grilled Beets

June 14, 2014 Sunday Sautéed Blood Sausage with apples and onions and Grilled Beets

We were busy Sunday and so we decided sauté the Blood sausage rounds I had bought at Alpine Sausage Kitchen on Saturday and eat a simple German style dinner.  Suzette sliced up ½ of an onion and I peeled and sliced an apple and we sautéed those ingredients with four of the six slices of blood sausage in a large skillet.  As you can see the blood sausage broke up in the skillet and became a sort of delicious sausage hash. 

Suzette also cleaned and sliced the white and red beet she bought at the Farmer’s Market on Saturday and grilled them and then crumbled some of the Old Windlmill Farm fresh feta goat cheese she had bought at the Farmers' Market on Saturday. . 

We enjoyed a simple meal in the garden that we had worked hard to clean in the morning with beers.

I marvel at the technological innovations occurring in our world now.  I still feel very much like an outsider, like a cargo cultist as I become aware of bits of technical knowledge, but enjoy the ability to record and perpetuate my thoughts and images for friends and posterity, thanks mostly to the effort of Suzette.  We are in a brave new world and I love it. 

Bon Appétit      

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