Monday, October 6, 2014

October 5, 2014 Dinner Grilled lamb chops, Tzatziki, baked string beans and rhubarb and fig cobbler

Around 10:30 a.m. we fixed bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches with the new package of bacon we bought at Costco yesterday and the organic greens we bought at Costco last week and the lovely large tomato Suzette bought at the Farmers’ Market last week on slices of nine grain sandwich loaf bought at Pastian’s Bakery a couple of weeks ago and drank Bloody Mary’s in the garden.

After the Cowboys won their game against the Cardinals, I made a noodle soup around 2:15 with Japanese Soba noodles, tofu, seaweed, red onion, beef meatballs, Lebanon bologna, shredded Napa cabbage, Pho seasoning and Brown miso and then rode ten miles to Montano and back.

We had invited Ricardo over for dinner; at around 6:00 he arrived with a string bean casserole and a bottle of Clines Vineyards’ 2012 Zinfandel from California’s Lodi Valley.

A couple of days ago I had chopped the ingredients for an onion, tomato and cucumber salad with a large cucumber and a handful of heirloom cherry and grape tomatoes Suzette bought at the Farmers’ Market last Saturday and an onion from Pro’s Ranch Market, now under new ownership and named Los Altos Ranch Market (5 lbs. for $.99),

Suzette returned from work at around 4:15 and at 5:30 we went to the kitchen to start prepping dinner.

I added Trader Joe’s European Style yogurt (Trader Joe’s $3.19 for 32 oz.), 1 Tbsp. of olive oil, salt and pepper and four cloves of garlic pressed into the sauce, the zest from one lemon and 1 Tbsp. of lemon juice, and ¼ cup of chopped fresh oregano leaves from our garden to the Tzatziki mix and put it in the fridge to chill and coalesce flavors.  By 6:30, when we served dinner, the tzatziki had stiffened and integrated flavors.

We cleaned out the refrigerator today and Suzette had taken out a bowl of fresh figs we had picked from Terry and Nancy Lamb’s bush and the rhubarb and strawberry compote Suzette made a couple of weeks ago and since they were both soft, Suzette decided to use them to make a cobbler, while I was fixing the tzatziki.

When Ricardo arrived at 6:00 we opened the bottle of Cline 2012 Lodi Zinfandel and poured him a glass and then put his string bean casserole into the microwave to heat.   

Ricardo made his string bean casserole with lovely haricot vert string beans from Trader Joe’s, strips of onions, green and yellow bell peppers and lots of herbs like turmeric and cumin, giving the casserole a rather middle eastern flavor. 

After a few minutes of conversation, Suzette put the lamb chops onto the grill.  The lamb chops were small and relatively thin, probably due to a new person cutting them in Costco’s meat department, and did not take very long to grill.  By 6:30 we were ready to eat.

Suzette plated three dishes with lamb chops and string bean casserole and I took the Tzatziki out to the garden table under the gazebo by the pond.  Suzette turned on the fountain in the pond and it gurgled as we sat and ate as the late afternoon shafts of sunlight streamed through the garden.  Soon after we sat down to dinner, Cynthia called from her house in Arundel, Maine to say hi to us and Ricardo put her on the face time feature of his phone and we had a conversation with her that lasted about 30 minutes.  Cynthia’s neighbor, Bill, had fixed her a dinner of fresh lobster ravioli.  Ricardo walked around the garden and showed Cynthia views of the garden filled with cosmos in sunlight. 

A little later Cynthia called again and we attempted to show Cynthia the moon light in the garden and talked a bit more about the lunar eclipse due to occur early Wednesday morning.  If felt as if Cynthia was really part of the dinner party as we talked with her and nibbled our dinner.   

After a few minutes Suzette went into the house to remove the cobbler from the stove.  A little later, after dinner Suzette filled parfait glasses with the fig and rhubarb cobbler and vanilla frozen yogurt and I opened a bottle of Harris 2007 Late Bottled Vintage Port I recently bought at Trader Joe's for $12.99.  

We enjoyed glasses of it and talked until around 8:30, when we all became tired and were ready for bed; so Ricardo loaded up his pack with the PPI string bean casserole and a lamb chop and he rode home.

It was a fun evening of simple good food, cooked a minimum of effort and a really great telecommunications experience that allowed us to include Cynthia as part of the dinner party even though she was actually in Maine.  How fun!

Bon Appétit     

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