Saturday, May 18, 2013

May 15, 2013 Dinner – Pork and vegetable and apple Stir Fry

May 15, 2013 Dinner – Pork and vegetable and apple Stir Fry

Our food choices have fallen into a routine.  We think about what we can do with produce from the garden and PPIs (we refer to leftovers as Previously Prepared Ingredients or PPIs, because we use them to make new dishes) before thinking about creating a new dish.  Or perhaps because we are always adapting PPIs and fresh ingredients from the garden to create new dishes, we are always creating new dishes.  You must be the judge of which category applies.
Today I knew we had only two days to finish using all of the PPIs and ingredients in our fridge before we left on a ten day trip, so I thawed out a bag with 1 lb. of pork steak.  Then when Suzette came home we went to the garden and picked a lot of kale, mustard greens, mibuna and turnip greens and a few baby turnips.   We had a bag of cut up turnips from the prior day’s harvest and bags of leeks and some old Brussels sprouts.  Last year the garden was filled with volunteer garlic and this year it appears that the garden is full of leeks.  
So we cut up leeks and kale and the pork and Brussels sprouts.  As I was chopping I saw a Granny Smith apple in the fruit basket that needed to be used, so I cut out the bad spot and cubed it also.   Suzette took a bag of PPI spaghetti from the fridge and I cut about 1 Tbsp. of ginger root into thin strips and cubed about ¼ cup of red and yellow onion.  Suzette put about 2 Tbsp. of peanut oil into a wok and fired it up.
After the onion and ginger and some of the leeks cooked for couple of minutes Suzette added the pork and cooked it until it turned grey.
Suzette wanted cold sake, so I went to the garage and fetched the bottle of Nigori sake and shook it to disburse the white sediment into clouds.
Then she added and stirred the greens into the hot meat mixture.  Suzette then put the bag of PPI spaghetti into the microwave and hated it.  When everything was mixed and heated, we poured glasses of cold sake and ladled the pork and vegetable and apple mixture over the hot pasta in pasta bowls and went outside for dinner on the patio.  As the sun set we enjoyed discussing the garden and our plans for the yard.
It is hard to put into words, how delicious the combination of Brussels Sprouts, apples, fresh baby turnips and greens with leek and onion was.
Bon Appétit

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