Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 2, 2012 Dinner - Sauteed Italian Sausages with fresh corn and sliced tomatoes and artichokes

July 2, 2012 Dinner - Sauteed Italian Sausages with fresh corn and sliced tomatoes and artichokes

I went to Pro’s Ranch Market for eggs and milk and yogurt and bought beautiful large slicing tomatoes ($.89/lb.), large limes ($.50/lb.), Mexican squash ($.50/lb.), fresh red cherries ($.99/lb.) and bolillos (4 for $1.00).

I called Suzette and she agreed to let me cook sausages. It was still around 100°F. at around 6:00 when Suzette arrived home, so we fired up a pot of water and dropped the sausages into the water with the three ears of white corn I had bought at Pro’s.  When the sausages were cooked, we put them into a skillet with olive oil and sautéed them until they took on color. 

I made a simple sauce for the artichoke of mayonnaise, juice of ½ lemon, a Tbsp. of fresh chopped tarragon, 1 tsp. of dry dill weed, a dash of tarragon vinegar, and a dash of olive oil. We served the artichokes with the mayonnaise sauce and then served the sausages and ketchup and mustard and dipped the tomatoes into the mayonnaise sauce with ketchup added and ate the corn laced with butter and drank beers for a cool Summer picnicky meal.

We had cooked the artichokes for only 1 hour and we both agreed that they were much more tender when cooked for two hours.

Bon Appetit

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