Friday, October 30, 2020

October 30, 2020 Lunch – PPI Mapo Dofu with Rice Dinner – Cheese and Foie Gras Sandwiches

 October 30, 2020 Lunch – PPI Mapo Dofu with Rice   Dinner – Cheese and Foie Gras Sandwiches 

The most amazing thing happened today.  When I opened my computer I saw that I had received an ad from Hotel du Printemps in Paris.  I assume my mention that our family stayed in the hotel when we went to Europe in 1960 must have triggered a search function but the message was in French.  Then after lunch when. Turned my computer on again the screen showed the town of Spietz on Lake Thun in Switzerland, where we also stayed in 1960.  I sent the information to and discussed the coincidences with Billy and we both agreed they were omens that we should go back to those places and recreate those parts of our 1960 family trip.

I did not eat breakfast. Instead at 11:30. I heated the last of the Mapo Dofu and an equal amount of rice and added a handful of fresh spinach and drank a couple of cups of green tea with it.


In the morning I prepared four deeds and reached or exceeded 33 for this month as I did the last two months.  I really enjoy preparing the deeds because it allows me to use my fifty years of real estate knowledge and make a little extra money.

After lunch I embarked on a new large project to help a condominium develop update their By-laws and rules and regulations that will take a while because I need to absorb several laws that I am not familiar with; mainly the Uniform Condominium Act and The Homeowners Association Act.

I worked until Suzette came home at 5:00.

We were hungry and so I toasted slices of French baguette and buttered them and made cheese sandwiches and foie gras sandwiches and opened a new bottle of French Pinot Noir from the Pay d’ Oc, which means the west side of the Rhone River in Southern France in old French. It is the large area known as Southwest France between the Rhone and the Pyrenees.

We watched a movie called Rebecca that had the feel of a BBC miniseries with a cast of BBC actors we often see in those productions. 

It was another bad day for the market with high tech being hit particularly hard. It was so bad I bought another 400 shares of Apple.   If things run true to form the Market will bounce back on Monday or by the time the election is over.

Salad Nicoise will need to wait until tomorrow evening.

Bon Appetit


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