Wednesday, May 20, 2020

May 19, 2020 Lunch – PPI Miso Chicken Noodle Soup and Chicken Salad Sandwiches Dinner – Corned Beef Hash with eggs and toast

May 19, 2020 Lunch – PPI Miso Chicken Noodle Soup and Chicken Salad Sandwiches   Dinner – Corned Beef Hash with eggs and toast

I slept until 7:15 and watched the Market open while fixing Lax sandwiches on French Baguette spread with cream cheese and garnished with red onion.  Unfortunately, the bread was old and moldy and did not agree with me later in the day.

I rode 5 miles and then read Educated much of the day.  At lunch I heated the last bowl of Miso Chicken Noodle soup I made yesterday and toasted two slices of whole wheat dinner roll and spread goat cheese on the slices and lay spoonfuls of chicken salad on the goat cheese to make two small open faced sandwiches.

At 5:45 Suzette returned from Costco with a car full of food. I put up some of the things for our house including the newly purchased spices.

To make room for the Groceries for the Center we threw out the Serrano ham and took the large roasting pan into the house.  We decided instantly to make our favorite breakfast,

Corn Beef Hash with poached eggs and buttered toast.

Suzette segregated the beef from the cabbage and vegetables and  then filled two 32 oz. yogurt containers with the cabbage and vegetables and bagged the remaining corn beef brisket in a freezer burn.

I chopped 1/2 of a red bell pepper and onion added them to a large skillet to which Suzette added a clove of garlic pressed and some of the corned beef and carrots.


 After the meat was flipped Suzette broke four eggs on top of the beef and covered the skillet for a few minutes to cook the top of the eggs a bit.

When the eggs had just cooked a bit on top we ladled two eggs and half of the sautéed beef and carrot mixture onto each plate and toasted and buttered three pieces of French bread, smeared them with jam in my case, and ate our breakfast with gusto.  We agreed it was the best corn beef has we had eaten n years.

We drank Clamato juice.  Mine with the juice of ½ lime and Suzette’s with vodka, Worcestershire, and lime juice.

After dinner we watched two more episodes of the Crown.  We opened a half bottle of Wellington Cirolla port that we bought at the winery about 15  years ago and poured small glasses of port and sipped them as we ate two Danish cookies.  We went to bed a little after 10:00.

Bon Appetit

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