Tuesday, September 18, 2018

September 13, 2018 Dinner – Stir Fried Pork and Hamburger with Napa Cabbage, Green Beans, and Lychee Nuts

September 13, 2018 Dinner – Stir Fried Pork and Hamburger with Napa Cabbage, Green Beans, and Lychee Nuts

I was too busy to do anything interesting with food until dinner.

Granola for breakfast with fruit and yogurt.

For lunch a liverwurst sandwich and the last few pieces of herring in wine sauce.

But Dinner was a different story.  There was a ton of unused food.  I minced two or three T. each of garlic and ginger root plus 1/3 onion and 1/3 orange bell pepper and 1/3 of a pasilla pepper.

I stir fried these ingredients with a cubed one lb. pork boneless sirloin and 1 PPI grilled hamburger shredded.

Then I added about three cups of shredded Napa Cabbage and about 1 lb. of snapped green beans and 3 oz. of white beech mushrooms and 4 white mushrooms sliced.

After a bit I added about 1 tsp. of sesame oil and 1 T. of Chinese Cooking wine.

Then I made a seasoning sauce with 2 tsp. of cornstarch, 2 T. of water, 1 T. of Chinese cooking wine, 1 tsp. of sesame oil, and 1 T. of soy sauce.

When Willy arrived a bit after 7:00 I added the seasoning sauce and heated the small container of quinoa and we ate a great dinner.

The reason this dinner was so good was because I used a large quantity of garlic and ginger.

Then we packed for our trip and packed food for dinner on the plane.

Bon Appetit

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