Tuesday, December 29, 2015

December 29, 2015 coffee at Zendo and Dinner – PPI Salmon with pasta and Spinach

December 29, 2015  coffee at Zendo and Dinner – PPI Salmon with pasta and Spinach

I took Luke to his flight to Panama at 6:40.  At 7:40 I received a call from Luke saying his flight had been cancelled, so I went back to the airport to pick him up.  On our way back home he requested that we stop at Zendo on 2nd street to get a cup of coffee.  I went in and when Luke ordered an espresso, I realized we had no espresso coffee in the house and we had a new espresso machine, so I bought a bag of espresso beans for $12.00.

When we arrived home Luke and Suzette re-booked his flight to Panama.  Luke is leading a one week Maha Rose retreat to a beach resort in Panama! So had to get to Panama in time to catch the flight to the small island where the resort is located.  He appeared to have it booked by 10:00.

Luke went to eat lunch with his Mom and I ate yesterday’s PPI noodle soup, which I liked very much.  I added about six more snow peas cut in halves to freshen up the soup.

I rode to Rio Bravo and then took Luke back to the airport at 4:00 and then worked until after 6:00.  Suzette, who has a cold, came home at around 4:30 and collapsed on the couch.

So at 6:15 we decided we did not want to cook anything elaborate.  Suzette said, “We need to strip the salmon off the bone.” I suggested we mix some salmon with the PPI pasta, panko, preserved lemon, and spinach dish and heat it for a quick dinner, so that is what we did.  Suzette added heavy cream and dash of milk to make a simple cream sauce. The dish turned out exceedingly well.  Here is a picture of it in the Le Crueset casserole cooking on the stove:

 We drank glasses of the open Mendoza Station 2013 Sauvignon Blanc from the Mendoza Valley of Argentina, which went quite well with the creamy pasta and poached salmon (Total Wine $4.49 less 15%).

Tomorrow is PPI turkey curry day, as we work our way through all the PPIs.

Bon Appetit

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